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I never thought I would be on one of these sites but yet here I am. Never say never A little about me. I was probably a hyperactive child because I still don't sit for very long. Can you keep up? All my friends call me the energizer bunny. I am a very outgoing person who believes in honesty, integrity and faithfulness. My kids are grown so my time is my own o do what I want.I love being around people and having get togethers with family & friends.I'm easy going, loving passionate and love to have fun. I love surprises giving and recieving them. I am very romantic and love planning romantic evenings. I am very adventurous and like, trying new things I've never done before. I love to travel and just taking off for a short trip on last minute notice. Would love to go to Australia one day and take a road trip in my convertible to California . I believe you get what you give and what goes around comes around so I always try to treat everyone like I'd like to be treated. I love the Titans( even though they suck lately) I like going to games and watching the games on TV. I play fantasy football every year. I grew up all over the United States but call Savannah, GA home because I lived there the longest before coming to TN.I love to laugh and make people happy. Life is all about having fun. You only get one life why not enjoy it. No room in my life for negativity. I always see the good in everything. The glass is always half full. I believe in power of positive thinking. I also believe in chemistry. There's a spark you can feel instantly with someone and know you will enjoy being around that person whether as friends or more. I want someone who wants to hold hands, will kiss me long and sweet, that is just as excited to see me as I am to see him. I don't need to much of anything I just want a little bit of everything. Here's what I'm not interested in!If your married and just looking for a playmate please move on If you say you are looking for a relationship with a lady don't ask her in your first conversation if she's into oral I get most men want a lady in the streets and a whore in the bedroom and there's nothing wrong with that but have a little respect for the lady your wanting to meet. There's a time and place for those questions and its not right out of the gate unless all you want is sex. If you really want to get to know someone and take the time to do so you won't need to ask that question You'll know by my actions what I like & don't like.If your just looking for sex that's cool I am sure there are plenty on here for the same thing but its not me. I don't like liars. Just tell me the truth. We all have a past and good or bad it's made us who we are today but we can't change it so why dwell on it. Let it go and live in the moment. I'm not Barbie and never will be. I'm not 18 anymore and neither is my body but its still a good body. I'm not perfect and neither are you. We're human. Let's just enjoy what life has to offer.If you like what you read or seen I'd love to talk to you and see where it goes. Email me! I just might like you back!
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