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Gee Whiz.they sure make one write a lot
United States
Delray beach
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I have two degrees in Engineering, but I am not one of those "anal" engineers....that is just how I make my living. One, my first, is from West Virginia University in Civil, the second I got a free ride to the Univ. of Miami- they either though I was smart, or I fooled them, or they liked me....or a combination of the three.I finished my Masters at U of M, but I left that field because I was going to have to do PhD, and I just don't like school THAT much. But the biggest reason, besides being burnt out on the thesis, was I did not like the animal experiments. I just could not handle seeing those little critters and greyhounds suffer so. I was a Boy Scout and was reared in West Virginia.Now, I want to write. I'm a good storyteller, and I have plenty of them.My Dad, an engineer, ran a construction company in WV, and started me digging ditches at 16 during the summers- I have an outstanding work ethic. Mom was an excellent musician, a pianist, singer, and actress. So, I suppose, her side is coming out now. Went to a lot of Theatre growing up. I know all about Rogers and Hammerstein, Gilbert and Sullivan, and other collaborators in musical theatre.(brag, bravado...cheers? applause?). I would like to have a gal in my life...a smart one...maybe smarter than me! (uh oh....bad line). Revise / edit later...first draft.I love music, and like to dance, especially to Blues. and Blues that have a lot of brass. I just love those horns.I am also a good kook, wait, typo, I meant good cook...I know my way around a kitchen, and, like my Dad, I'm also a good pot a pan boy (uh-oh...another bad line there on cooking) Let me rephrase that and say I know to cook Lean Cusines.I guess that's it for now.
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