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United States
Walla walla
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I'm a single father of 2 beautiful teenagers. My daughters are my life, and they come in as priority number one before anything. I raise them on my own at the same time i'm working part time as a CNA, and going to college to become a nurse.We love the outdoors. I have a four wheel drive pick up and we take it into the mountains to sight see. Fishing is something we also enjoy, as well as going to concerts.I asked my friends to describe me so I would know what to write here. They say i'm a big teddy bear, with a big heart. They say they know they can call me if they need anything day or night, and I would go out of my way to help anyone. They also told me to mention that you will find no one else that loves their kids more than me.So as for the honesty part in my opening, here it is. Due to my current situations my daughters and I live with my parents. I am trying to better myself by getting a great career and to maximize my potential in school I am only working part time while I go to school. I'm not a mamas boy that can't cut the apron strings, quite the opposite. I just find it better to ensure food on the table and a roof over the heads of my girls than to live off the state in a low income, drug infested apartment complex while i'm making a future for us.If this is all agreeable to you, let me know!
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