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looking for an interesting lady to meet
United States
Hasbrouck heights
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i don't know where to start. kinda putting myself out there at this point. i guess i'll start with the simple stuff like music, i like almost everything! from rap to punk to folk. really just depends on what mood i'm in.some shows i like are the simpsons, seinfeld, king of the hill, it's always sunny, and bunch of others i left out. i really miss cuddling and watching a good comedy.what makes me unique??? im just an all around interesting guy. i'm not super conventional so being convetional isn't my style. and i'm super funny. it's hard for me not to make people laugh. sometimes i don't even try and have people cracking up! if i girl can make me laugh to the point that i can make others laugh that is a very good sign,some of my hobbies include organic farming or basically anything having to do with plants. i work in a garden center with 9 greenhouses and 4 acres. my regular job i don't like as much as the volunteer work i do. the group i volunteer with bascically takes over unused land and puts little gardens there. we also have some bee hives. it's all organic unlike my regular garden center work. i have more pride in organic agriculture than i do for conventional farming practices. plus my boss is an extreme ***hole lol! i also love rock hunting. i know it's something a lot of people don't do anymore (mainly because all the good places have condos or home depots on them hahaha). but i love going out and finding a rock out in the wild. so fun!!!!!love hiking when it's warm enough. even though i ocassionally go on winter hikesi am 420 friendly. please no hard drug users (weird pills, opiates, that sherm lol) drinking is ok. i aspire to one day become a full fledged entrepenur and have my own land. i am good at a lot of things but i hope to get more focused on ideas one at a time and follow through on them.
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