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I have been in Michigan for about 2 and a half years now... I moved here from Philly to teach in Detroit. I am currently a 6th grade teacher in Detroit and could not love my job more. While teaching is my passion now growing up and through college my life consisted of soccer what seems to be everyday of the week and every weekend. With that being said I LOVE sports. I love watching sports (esp. football and basketball)....Detroit sports teams are creeping in but PHILLY teams will always have my heart :)I earned my Bachelors in Social Work from Temple in Philadelphia and recently graduated from University of Michigan with a master in education. I am a HUGE advocate for education and truly believe that a school can transform a community.. with that being said I want to open my own school as some point. My friends and my family are the most important people in the world to me.. and if you can not hang out with my friends sarcastic mouths than it just won't work.... I I am VERY sarcastic, so a sense of humor is a must.I am a very driven person.. I am extremely driven and passionate about all things. I need someone that can keep up with me.. both my mouth and my ambition :)Not really sure what I want out of this whole online scene but I know I never deny a fun night, a good laugh and see what happens from there.
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