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Those they give you to fill out a successful profile just seems to put me under great pressure. I should say that I can always make the effort to impress. Let's face it, I am and always will be a work in progress. The neverending project. I see myself as a laid-back person, prone to bouts of emotional distress. :) Hey I'm only human. You know, I've never understood when people talk about drama. I don't do drama. I don't cause drama: but that's life. Life with all of its ups and downs. Life is drama. Being an adult is difficult. If you want simplicity, no drama, well then we'd have to go back to being children again when there was someone else to handle the tough situations for us. That's not going to happen. I've have not been married up to this point. I have no children. I raised my brother, who is 17 years younger than me. My main responsibility is my mother. That in itself is a very interesting situation. Most of my time is spent at work. Any free time I have is not very creative. Well not in the sense that I make plans. Every time I do, they fall through. So I have learned to go with the flow. act spur of the moment. A lot more fun that way. I like going to the movies, out to dinner, making dinner, drinking coffee, drinking coffee with someone with good conversation of course. Don't like coffee, how about tea? Ice cream? Maybe a drink or two at some dive bar where the waitress forgets about you:). I do like live music and the differenet venues around El Paso. Been known to spend weekends cruising around Old Mesilla, Las Cruces, and now looking forward to the new El Paso Punk Rock Flea Market. Downtown nice to walk around, chat, take pictures, and maybe a cheesesteak at Kipp's. I have my particular likes of music. I'm open to all. I listen to contemporary jazz on pandora every day. I get into the groove when Dino sings. Spent the last two days listening to Macklemore & Lewis The Heist. I'm glad I bought the CD. I like Star Trek. Picard is my Captain. Star Wars is a given. Doctor Who is something else. I'm getting back into my love of comic books. Still looking for Crow:Waking Nightmares #4. Just finished watching season 2 of the Walking Dead. Currently reading The Screwtape Letter, again. I'm planning on desigining a line of postcards for the shop I'm working in. The love of my life, besides my brother, is my little dog. I have to other big dogs who I adore. I have very simple tastes. I am not high maintenance at all. I don't want for much. I would like someone in my life who can appreciate me. Put me first for once. I don't want my life analyzed and nit-picked. I get enough of that already. I just want someone who is. Just like I am who I am. I don't want nor do I pretend to be anyone else. People have this thing of wanting to fix someone. If I'm with someone, I'm with them because of who they are, what they represent, and why would I want to change any of that? I am a very affectionate person, not just with actions, but also with words. I love deeply, fiercely. I am needful without being needy. I know how to behave on my own. I can take care of myself, and be my own best friend. I can be a very quiet person. Given the right circumstances, I can open up, and when I do, I'm a total goofball. Representing myself here in words is not an easy task. I am simple, yet complex. Did I mention that I'm laughing at myself as I write this? And for the man who takes the time to read this, what does that say about you, I wonder?
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