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OK, well, I'm going to try this… again.Who am I? What am I looking for? I'll give you the bullet points.I• am a Photographer. An artist. Freelance Designer. Creative type. Hoping to make some kind of living from it… asap.• am a stay-at-home aunt… basically I live with my family and do most of the household chores. There's a lot to this one… if we meet and/or chat I can explain more.• am an awesome person, if quite flawed and neurotic at times. I don't go blabbing my awesomeness, but I try and show compassion and acceptance to everyone.• am a virgin with a vivid imagination, who is very much looking forward to finding love and having her wedding night. This decision that I've made is one with many reasons. All of which I'm more than willing to share. As for my imagination… those details are more for serious dating.• see life in stages. Especially the romantic relationships. I can explain if you'd like.• am a traditionalist, in some ways (in case that wasn't painfully obvious from the above statements).• am pragmatic, and know how difficult it's going to be to find a guy who can see past that particular aspect of my life.• am a person who believes that, for anything relationship to work, there MUST be communication.• am a person who likes to use the word 'courting'.• am a Christian who accepts people for who they are… no matter what they believe. Still, faith in God is the only thing I find absolutely necessary to have in common with a partner for life.• Caring. Skeptical. Faithful. Honest. … A mystery wrapped in an enigma.• am a music, tv, and book, lover. My taste in any one of these areas is wide ranging and ever changing… just like me.• relatively happy with how I look. There are, of course, parts I wish I could change. I'm working on looking thinner and being healthier.• am looking for someone I'm attracted to physically, emotionally, and spiritually.• am NOT a driver. Long story, many reasons.• am constantly working on being more outgoing. I'd love to work up the guts to talk to just anyone, any time. One of the projects I'd like to do, eventually, is to ask strangers to post randomly for me. I'm not there, yet.• am a weird one. I believe that different is good. As long as we share our faith in God, everything else is a learning experience that can expand our horizons. I'd like to learn your interest and, if I like them, take part occasionally. and vise versa. I like the idea of having 'my stuff' and you 'your stuff'.• am a dreamer. That's probably why I'm trying this… again.• want someone who wants to vacation WITH me, not FROM me. Whether camping, or in a hotel.• am a bit of a loner and can see myself with someone whose work takes their time. I believe in quality vs quantity, as long as there is communication and longing. :)• don't mind if we are total opposites in nearly everything, as long as we click and like each other… different is good.• don't mind if you're not around me, even from another country… I love chatting with people around the world, and who know's what God has planned.• tend to over think, and over explain. Maybe I should have mentioned this before?You're• a Christian who accepts others and is open minded.• tall (or at least tall enough for me to have to look up a bit… I'm not even 5'1"), slender/built/healthy.• unique and know you're awesome… but other people only know it because of how you are.• outgoing. I need this to even me out in life.• considerate. You'd never leave me to my own devices in a new situation… at least not until you KNOW I'm fully comfortable.• willing to communicate, and do the work that any good relationship takes.• willing to see your flaws and willing to do the work on the ones you don't like. People CAN change, it just takes work.• a happy person… even if your skeptic shows occasionally.• the kind of guy that makes the first move, but chooses your moment carefully. Never pushy, or overbearing.• NOT possessive.I'm not going to talk about what you do for a living, or your interests, or if we should have anything like that in common. In all honesty, I'd like to find someone who shares my view that different is good.
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