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2 Photos By fofena
This on-line dating stuff isn’t really my thing. I would much rather meet you in the grocery store or at school or the library, and I guess I could meet you at a bar, because then I would see right away if I would consider seeing you again, but what the heck we will give this on-line thing a try. My idea of fun is laughing and joking around, spending time together, talking and hanging out both out with friends and by ourselves. I actually really like nights in watching movies, talking, cuddling, and just plain being together.I have kids so I want someone that likes kids and even has their own. I want to be someone you are not afraid to be seen with and I want to be able to be at your kids sporting events just like I would want you to want me to be there. If you are cheering, you bet I’m going to be cheering too!I need someone that has patience for bathroom breaks (not so much for me, but for baby) sometimes diaper changes can be an interruption and I don’t want you to be so inconvenienced by this that I feel I somehow did something wrong by taking time to be a mom. If this is a problem, don’t contact me, let’s just save the hassle up front.Chances are you have an EX or two, so do I, so I understand that, and I am happy to still have a relationship with you. Hopefully you have a good relationship and you are on speaking terms for the kids’ sake. And if you’re really fortunate maybe you managed to somehow be friends and can even hang out, but if you don’t have healthy boundaries and your EX is running your life and pushing your buttons, THAT IS GOING TO HAVE AN AFFECT ON ME AND ON US.So please decide what you want for your own life before you pursue me, because when I start to have feelings for you it will hurt to have you tell me we are not working out (especially when we ARE working out it’s just not working out for your EX so she is causing you to be miserable and give up on your own happiness just to get her off your back)… Save us both from that moment please.I love family, I want to be around family, and I have a crazy family so please be warned up front, and please be willing to deal with it, they’ll grow on you!Please also don’t take me to meet your family if you have no intentions of us working out. I get attached. I don’t need more people to miss if we aren’t going to be together. Chances are I am already attached to you if I am willing to meet your family and I will grieve the loss of every family member.I also love alone time. I need alone time and I expect other people to need alone time. Alone time doesn’t mean shut me out and don’t speak to me… it means, I go to my house and you go to yours sometimes. It also means we are alone together without kids sometimes. Shutting me out is not ALONE TIME, it’s just lonely and it creates anxiety and I don’t eat… TWO TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS.If you tell me you are going to do something please do it, or please don’t make promises and then break them. This includes getting divorced if you are not already divorced. …Which brings me to whether or not I am willing to date you if you’re married… NO would be my first answer, EXCEPT if you are in the process of getting a divorce and living in separate homes. If you are living in separate homes and you are not actively getting divorced, please don’t pursue me just to decide one day that maybe you are going to stay married. I don’t need any more notches on my belt, and I don’t need to be a notch for your belt.I need someone that is going to be good to me.…Which brings me to the part about actions. If you tell me I deserve someone that will treat me right and you tell me you want me to give YOU the opportunity to treat me right, and I do give you that opportunity, THEN TREAT ME RIGHT! It’s not fair to me for you to say the sweet things and then decide to let your “EX” make a liar out of you because she doesn’t like that you’re happy.Oh, and my kids get attached too, so if you’re going to suck all of us in please be considerate of all of our feelings about you and your kids.And one last thing….I like the color blue, and long walks on the beach.
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