About MeIG: Iam_treyp Name: Christian trey Stevens Basically I luv life and I luv living life. I enjoy the outdoors, traveling, restaurants, gong out,chilling in general and socia[L]izing with quality pe[O]ple. Its just better li[V]ing and sharing lif[E] wit[H] s[O]meo[N]e els[E] I’m originally from t[H]e Dc area, but been in jer[S]ey since high school,. I have a car LOL… I still have love for the game of foo[T]ball,so I play on this townbeef east league. It’s a great hobby. I enjoy being active, healthy and [S]t[a]ying fit. Family and friend[S] Are important to me as well. If you’d like to know more [S]a[y] “hiâ€. I didn’t reveal lot about [M]y self for you to read on purpose. Rather we chat, talk, eng[A]ge in conversation [T]o get to know each other instead of s reading th[R]ough a long pag[E] in this section about each other. A[L]so, just bec[A]use somone lookS like a good match “on paperâ€, [D]oesn’t necessaril[Y] translate in reality. Note: The [_] letters are an anagram message. To my type of lady