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Newly single... Here we go again (:
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Dating.. Hmm.. Not sure I even know where to start! It's been a while! I'm Not gonna lie, I'm nervous... But I suppose this is as good of a place as any.My name is Sunny and I am the mother of the most amazing 3 yr old little guy. I really don't know how to date as a single mom, but I do want to be clear that he's here and a HUGE part of my life.Good. Now that that's outta the way... A little about me. I'm very outgoing and make friends anywhere I go. A bit of a social butterfly, I suppose. College educated and professional. I travel around the state of Ohio and regularly out of the state for work. Dallas Tx is a regular destination. I'm lucky enough to have a great boss, an amazing team and a job I love!Outside of work ... My son comes first. In addition to that though I still have my own interests. I'm a country girl for sure. Boots and jeans over heels and pearls any day. I do ride and train horses and you can find me at the barn as much as I can be. It's hard work but I love it. I'm an animal lover... To a fault. Have to keep myself in check or I would own a zoo. In addition to my horse, add a Great Dane, a chihuahua and a cat to the list... Oh and now another Dane puppy that will be ready to come home in a few weeks! (So excited.)I really don't do the bar scene any more... Mostly because being a mom doesn't easily lend to that lifestyle. Trust me, I took advantage if my 20s and bartenders my way through college. It was a fun time of my life.Beyond that I'm intelligent with a strong faith and a positive attitude. Love to stay busy... Always getting involved in something new. I love to get out and explore... More so in the summer when the weather is nice. Road trips are great.. Beaches or mountains, I'll take either.I love to laugh and occasionally my wild side will come out... When that happens, just hold on tight... It's gonna be a fun ride!
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