Umm.. I'm 29 years old with...with a Master's degree and a Career.Basically, I'm looking for someone who is first of all HONEST. .. I know we all want to make our lives appear perfect... however, I'd prefer to know the good and the bad.. I'm not looking for someone prefect... I'm looking for someone i can be imperfect with me.Additionally, I don't have it all together.. but I'd prefer someone who is closer to me status wise.. someone who has obtained a career.. personal goals.. has worked hard to get where they want to be in life and now they are ready to settle down...I know most girls my age are looking for someone to marry.. that's not the case here.. I'm not in no way looking to run to the alter tomorrow.... sure I want to get married--- but not today or tomorrow.I guess thats the basics... of what I'm looking for.. but If you are interested in taking the time to get to know me then shoot me a message...