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Just your regular guy who refuses to meet someone via the bar scene. I graduated from Auburn w/ a degree in Logistics and worked in the Transportation/Distribution industry for a while, but decided a few years ago I didn't like working for someone else. I changed career paths and started working at my family's Insurance Agency. Right now I'm just working on learning as much as I can here so my parents can retire and I can officially call myself my own boss!As for what I'm looking for, basically just someone I click with and have a few of the same things in common with, that would enjoy spending some quality time with each other and our friends.I don't really have a specific type of person I'm looking for, just someone who I can enjoy the things I like with her, and she can enjoy the things she likes with me.My music interests are pretty wide open and Incubus, 311 and Red Hot Chili Peppers are probably my favorites, although like I said I'm really open for anything. Concerts are just fun in general!!I tend to think I'm a little old fashioned when it comes to dating. I still think the man should open the door, and we should get to know each other a little before being asked out.Trust and respect, from both people, is very important to me. Without those two things, what's the point! Right?!?I recently made my first real true adult purchase. Bought a home! It's a beautiful house in the Lawrenceville area.Like most people who are successful I've worked extremely hard to get where I am today, and would hope the person meant for me has the same mindset.Basically things are good and I'm happy with my place in life. Just add that missing piece and I'll be set!!If you think I'm someone you'd like to get to know better, let me know and we can take it from there.Look forward to hearing from you!!
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