Hey im Jesse! I was born and raised on this awesome island. I work out a lot lol! I love lots of diffrent types of music from punk rock, old school rock and roll, especially The Rolling Stones saw them on Oahu when I was 14 and just have had them ingranede with me ever scence.I dig EDM Deadmau5, hip hop, regge and even some country. Im strait edge, quit drinking almost 2 years ago, wont lie had some hicups along the way but maintaining, my life has just been geting better and better. Got 2 cool cats, a steady job, a piece of **** car j/k its not that bad lol, an apartment and some good friends what elce do ya need right? a GF lol Im a Christan for me that means Church every sunday and just being a good person. Im not a hardcore Christian but love the lord! So ya I guess that about sums me up!