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I love creativity and imagination :)
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Hey, I’m Glenn, probably one of the most down-to-earth, friendly and laid back kind of guys you could ever hope to meet – in fact I’m so laid back I’m almost horizontal. That said I can be a little shy and reserved at times but that is no indication that I don’t enjoy going out and having a good time. I’m sociable but at the same time I never feel the need to be the centre of attention and I love meeting new an interesting people from all walks of life.I’m a guy who has embraced many interests which include period architecture, reading, writing and history just to name a few. I’m a complete geek when it comes to history and I love nothing more than exploring the 18th and 19th century, I’m just totally obsessed with the whole Georgian period! I also have a huge fascination with the vast European empires that once dominated North America and the New World especially the Thirteen Colonies, with the arrival of William Bradford and the Pilgrims at Plymouth Rock in 1620 to the American Revolution (1775-83) which saw the birth of the United States. Equally, I enjoy studying the French Revolution and the Napoleonic wars which followed by researching some of the lesser known characters like Joseph Fouche, a powerful politician who was both hated and feared by Napoleon.Politically, I’m of the socialist persuasion and being a lefty my daily newspaper is the Guardian. I believe in a utopian society free of prejudice where everyone is treated fairly and equally as I see no justification for allowing the less fortunate to suffer. I’m often found reading books on many political subjects and politicians including historical figures such as Churchill, Atlee and Thatcher, all of whom have left a mark on Britain’s political landscape.At the moment I’m currently working in the construction industry as a carpenter which I absolutely love, however, I have recently thought about climbing that thing called the career ladder by pursuing a career as a Building Surveyor. That said, I have also thought about enrolling onto an access course in the humanities with the view of becoming an historian/author as a second career. I would find nothing else more fulfilling than writing about past events that have shaped the world in which we live today, and it is my aim to one day write about the British army’s campaigns during the American Revolution and their struggle to try and prevent American Independence. It saddens me to discover that only a few books exist from a British perspective as the history of such wars is too often written by the victors; where heroism, inspiration and courageous acts can be found only to exist in Washington’s army.Born in the city (Birmingham), I’m often drawn to the natural and often rugged scenery of the countryside where I can partake in an array of adventurous activities or just engage in a gentle stroll while admiring the view. I love the thought of maybe immigrating to New Zealand one day as I have heard so many wonderful things, and should the opportunity present itself, then it would certainly be something worth considering. I would say I’m more of an explorer when it comes to vacations where I would rather find myself exploring the ramparts of old Quebec City or walking the streets of colonial Boston than get wasted on beach somewhere in the med. That’s certainly not to say I’m opposed to a sunny beach holiday with white sands and blue seas!I’m a huge fan of period architecture and love visiting stately homes, more recently Chatsworth house in Derbyshire – such an elegant building which was way above and beyond my original expectations – a true architectural masterpiece. I just find myself endlessly captivated by their immense beauty and the history behind each.I wouldn't say I watch much TV but I will admit that I am a secret Downton Abbey fan. I guess enjoying history as much as I do, I love the time period in which it is set, a time where technology was rapidly changing an improving, society and culture following the Edwardian era and how in season 2, it reveals the effects of WWI on the social classes. Other TV shows include Homeland, Have I got news for you, Derren Brown and Celebrity Juice.
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