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So many women are looking for good men and so many men are looking for good women but they have these long lists of wants and what they don't want in a mate, but think about it have you took a look at yourself )self-examination) to see and know what you have to offer?Well I'm here looking for a God fearing, good, honest, loyal, hardworking, faithful man. I would not be here asking for aman to carry traits I do not carry myself. I work daily, I'm God fearing I'm a great woman, faithful, honest and loyal. I am not looking for a man to take care of me but in turn not looking to take care of one either. I do expect him to work and if I need him he will be there for me and vice versa. I am not here looking for sex, although I do realize that we are all grown and the topic will eventually come up but if that is all that's on your agenda please miss me with that, too old for that, have no patience for it, and will not entertain it. Call it what you want. Also I have a very strong personality but it's not an attitude, I believe in the saying a MAN can deal with a woman with strong personality but only a BOY will say she has an attitude.I'm pretty sure we all have been hurt before or even have trust issues, but that does not mean we can't be adults about it and say what we want and expect, you should never settle for less if you really know what you want.I am not looking to rush myself or anyone else into anything but I will not deal with or waste my time with anyone thats dating me and other females at the same time. If you know you don't want a commitment of any kind please keep it moving if you know all you want is a friend without eventually working toward a relationship don't waste my time or yours. Don't be mad or judge me because I know exactly what I want.Last but not least don't judge or assume anything about me. Anything else you would like to know just ask. ??
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