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Prince seeking Princess to spoil
United States
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I am going to FSU to finish my bachelors degree in sociology with minor in urban regional planning and development. I was a security forces raven in the air force, so they're helping with my schooling a little bit, but for the most part I have to start saving my own money for my masters degree, so had to get a little part time job to do that. So I am a manager at a McDonalds here in Tallahassee for the time being. I am applying to get my masters in environmental law, but won't be sticking to management while in grad school, I will probably end up either being a school teacher, corrections, or work with troubled teenagers as a counselor. After that though, I am going to practice law back up north where I am from in Connecticut/New York area. I play paintball for the FSU Seminoles, I volunteer with the citizen police for FSU and sometimes with the boys and girls club when I have time. My church is a christian church that's like right next to where I live. My family is originally from Connecticut and we only came down to Florida because it was a cheap place to be compared to states. I moved in with my mom to help her out with bills and then we lost my grandmother last spring so she moved back north to my grandfather. Due to the fact I am still enrolled in college I had to stay down here and really don't even know anyone. So, I have a small little one bedroom apartment, my own car, no pets, living by myself going to school. I grew up in Las Vegas for some of my childhood, so I would consider myself inner city, although I was back and forth between the North and West. Somewhat country though, being majority of my family is up in Maine and live on a farm. I don't really have a preference I consider myself just regular I guess and not stereotyped as inner-city or country.I am mixed with a bunch of nationalities that just take too long to list. I am considered a Christian preference, but respect all walks of life when it comes to religion and will attend any service if need be. I have never smoked before and do not believe I will ever smoke. I have never had alcohol in my life and don't plan on ever drinking. I have no piercings and no tattoos on my body. I've never cheated on women, despite the fact they cheat on me all the time, because I can't physically perform if I do not have feelings for the person. I have a high sex drive if I am in love with someone, if I am not; it's just not there despite my age. I'm faithful, secure, outgoing, talkative, good listener, unique sense of humor, friendly, very easy to get along with, hardworking, and probably the most little judgmental person you'll ever meet. I am very forgiving, which is my flaw because I get taken advantage of a lot for it, most people for example don't give cheaters another chance, yet I've given multiple chances learning it. I am just too loving, passionate, and caring when I am in a relationship and give 100%, dedicating myself to the relationship and always hope for the same, but never get met 100%. I want to travel a lot and hope I can find a person trust worthy enough to do it with. I want to see foreign countries and take pictures and shared memories to look back on. I would consider myself adventurous so I would like to do things like mountain climbing, white water rafting, hiking, camping, bike riding and what not at these places. As I said I play paintball and it's my biggest passion and yes it is a sport. I expect to open my own pro field one day and play pro after college. In high school I did a lot of sports, so I consider myself to be very athletic and love to compete. I enjoy action movies, horror flicks, and romances. I don't mind any type of music, pretty much open to everything. On TV I enjoy things like American Idol, Law and Order, Trivia Game Shows, and the judge court shows. I've always been into sports, when I was in high school did Football, baseball, Swimming. Out of school enjoy Motocross, Paintball, cross country running, camping, hiking, and fishing. Enjoy Asian food, favorite color is Green, favorite movie is Doomsday, favorite song still unsure. I see myself married by the time I am done with college in a few years. I want a big family, so obviously I want children as well. I want a nice house somewhere in a sub urb area that isn't too far from the city for work and my paintball career for a pro underway. A loving wife that is supportive of my goals, as I am towards hers. At least three dogs with a big back yards. I want to be working at a corrections department. Having my own professional paintball field up and running. Most importantly, I would like a lot of shared memories with my significant other between our travels and adventures. Lastly a given should be, hopefully madly in love by then and not still single searching.
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come to play