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I'm not a big fan of online dating. I don't like to get attached to a guy's personality on the web only to meet him and realize I'm not attracted to him at all. However, this seems like the only way to do it these days. I've tried meetup.com groups, but it seems like the ones locally are really respectful of not hitting on someone at the group (which is great if you're not single) and the one specifically for singles only offers speed dating. So here I am back on the web dating scene.More about me. Well, I'm college educated and well read. When I tell people that my degree is in English, sometimes they're afraid that I will completely judge them based on their grammar and that is somewhat true. I probably won't bother replying if you are incompetent at writing a full sentence, but the occasional slip up (missing a comma, the wrong there/their, etc.) really isn't that big a deal. I'm human and make some of the same mistakes too, especially if I'm using my phone.I'm not an athletic body style, but I'm not fat either. I hate that the only option on here is "a few extra pounds" because I think that makes every woman over a size 6 feel like she's 500 lbs. I would classify myself as "curvy." I have an hourglass figure, so while I have a substantial chest, hips, and butt, I also still have a waist. Travel is amazing and I've done quite a bit myself. I really would like to visit Africa and Asia over the next couple years. I figure it's easier to do domestic travel once I have a kid, since then I'll be the only one putting up with them instead of an entire plane full of people.Music wise I'm not a big fan of most rap or country, but am otherwise pretty open. My preferred artists are alternative, rock, jazz, pop, etc. I don't go to a lot of concerts because (1) I don't pay enough attention to know when they're happening and (2) I like listening to my favorite artists, not other people near me singing so loudly that I can't hear them.I'm blunt, to the point, honest, don't play games and don't believe in yelling/shouting. If there is an issue, it should be discussed like a rational adult, if that's not possible, then that means that one or both of us probably needs some time to calm down and think things through before a discussion takes place.What I'm looking for:I don't want to become your new shiny toy that you have to see or text every second of the day. A good relationship requires down time for the other person to miss you. If I'm constantly talking to or seeing you, then I never miss you. Please plan on spending time with your friends still.I'll be really honest here and say that I am more concerned with the face than whether a guy has a six-pack or "a few extra pounds." I'm a sucker for dimples, but they aren't required. My favorite feature on myself is my blue eyes and I really like blue eyed guys (green, gray, hazel and brown are good too, just not my favorites). I also really like a defined chin. Those things are probably the biggest commonalities among my more serious exes. As for intimacy, I prefer a guy who is more take charge. I'm a strong woman who is very in control of her life and career, so I need to let go somewhere.And that's enough for now.
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