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And the Search continues......
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I want a "Dare to be Great" relationship.Adult conversation is welcomed. Adult, NOT pornographic. I'm a single Dad. She's #1 in my life!My baby lives with me, I have custody.I enjoy a wide variety of things. I'm pretty game for anything.I love Jeeps, art, drawings, statues, paintings. they stir emotions in me..I work out, but I'll never be a body builder.I drink, but I'm not a drunk.I'm not rich, but I make enoughI'm thrifty, but not a tight-ass!I'm responsible, but not afraid to have a knock-down-drag-out-crazy time.I believe in God, have a bible, I'll go to church, but I'm not a bible thumper. I hate, drugs, thieves, cheaters and general dishonest people. Don't get me wrong the self righteous, holier than thou people can "bite it", as well.I think I have a good balance. . I'm humbleI need an escape. . an adventure. and someone to have it with.I've lost count of my tattoos. Most can be covered with a t-shirt. I don't look trashy in a nice shirt and tie, blazer, or suit. all which I have.I have a Harley. You can't put a car seat on the back of one, so I have limited time on itI have some piercings, but they all come out. I like Peter Gabriel and 10,000 Maniacs, but I listen to punk and have been in numerous Mosh-pits, I'm a fan of all music....I like the movies Fried Green Tomatoes and Practical Magic, but Scary movies have been playing in a rotation on my TV. I don't have Cable. but I have the internet.I value Family!!!! Not blood relatives. Family!!My daughter only goes to the "other side" four days out of each month. It doesn't really leave me a great deal of alone time. So yeah. there you go.Am I messed up? maybe a little.I can't have anymore kids. I'm a bit old for that now and my almost seven year old keeps me pretty busy. Not that I'm not open to children that you already have. that's awesome!!! I love kids!!!!They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, and an entire lifetime to forget them.Naviagating through the BS, has been really taxing. Maybe I should have invested my time into more tattoos. If you were a Zombie, I'd shoot you in the face!!!!! Better to have loved and lost, then get bitten, eaten, and end up a frickin' Zombie jeeesh!!!I want an equal!!!! Best friend. I need communication, honesty, understanding. I don't need things rushed. I can't help, save or fix you. I am not looking for a victim, someone perpetually broken, down and out. I can pull you from a burning building, but if you turn around and run into the next burning building. Save yourself! Batman has hung up his mask and cape! (I still wear it around the house now and then). Everyone likes being the Hero..... it's awesome!!!!.... but exhausting . if you have your own life, stuff, hobbies, home. you're stable. everything else should fall into place. right? :-)I don't do a great deal of dating, a lot of people aren't really worthy of my time. what would you rather do... party and chase women. or spend time with your daughter? I'll spend it with her!. A lot of the bar scene is for twenty-something hormone crazed dogs humping in the street. I'm really not looking to contract an STD in my life, EVER. fast-ass people. Yeah, that's not me. I like drinking, live music, the scene, or atmosphere, ambiance. but after a few hours. it becomes "old hat".I have things to do, a child to care for, a job to do, house to take care of, boat to wash, Jeep to build, work out, run, laundry(OMG!!! she's a digger, little girls can be nasty!). the list goes on an on. Don't waste my time. and I won't EAT YOU!!!!! (For all those people that actually eat people. I don't do that. it's just an expression. No people were actually eaten in the making of this profile)Does anyone actually read these?Oh, and if you haven't figured it out, I'm in the military. So moving may be a part of being in our life. So, I guess if you can handle all that. Say "Hi". If not. Thanks for stopping by.I've seen a lot of profiles of people who are a bit inspirational! So many people have qualities I admire! Some, not so much. Don't let societie's moral decline hinder you, being the best you!!!!! Being alone sucks! Being with the wrong person, would suck much more!Everyone have an awesome day!
Where Adults:
come to play