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Kind and Peaceful
United States
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First, I'm ATHEIST. I have no problems being with anyone who believes. However, you should know that I have no problems expressing my point of view and that I will not go to church for anyone.I'm liberal. Although everyone is and should be some of both.I'm fully hetro. In the golf game of life, I aim for the hole, not the pole.I'm not talkative. Although like the average man, I will at times tend to tune you out. I am admittedly lazy and quite old school. I like being taken care of by a woman. Now don't get me wrong, I believe any relationship is 50/50. But again, like any man, it'll take a little nudging to get me going.I can cook, but don't like to. Graduated from high school in Baltimore. Did my last year at Frederick Douglass High. Class of 1975. Joined the Air Force in 1976. Became a Metrology Technician. Metrology is the science of measurement. Served me well for quite some time.Always have been and will be a one woman man.Don't like to argue unless it's a lively debate on social issues. Although I do recognize that on occasion an argument may arise. Admittedly as a man, I tend to let my male ego get in the way. I've learned and will freely admit that if more men listened to their women, then: 1) the world would be much a better place and 2) They would get into less trouble.I was raised by a single mother who taught me to always respect women. "It doesn't matter if it's a homeless woman, hooker or the Queen of England, just don't be a damn fool." As a father, I told my son (hoping he'd remember this to) "Treat women like flowers. They're beautiful and there's a lot of them. You might want to pick them all or try to handle as many as you can, but you'll only be ruining your bed. Pick one, admire the rest and move on."I'm a family man; I love children. Growing up I fondly remember my grandfather and some favorite uncles. They made a great impression on me and inspire feelings of joy and happiness when thinking of them. I want to be remembered like that. My children are grown now, and my lovely daughter has a daughter of her own. My son is in the Army and is making it a career.I'm divorced. My children never heard me say anything disrespectful of their mother. I just don't get those couple that express hate and anger with someone they once avowed to love forever.Favorite singers: Sarah Vaughn, Dakota Staton; Dinah Washington, Billie Holliday... yada, yada, yadaNot big on Hip-Hop at all. Do enjoy classical. Not apathetic towards country. Put lots of value on true musical talent.I may not be talkative, but do love to write. So I'll stop here.Oh, I do love an intelligent woman. Although some men may find a well read, well educated woman somewhat intimidating -and they can be- I find it sexy.
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