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Looking for a Mountain Princess
United States
Looking For:
I’m trying to meet a woman that loves the outdoors and doesn’t mind getting dirty, but can have a serious conversation about life and appreciate a dressed-up night out. To be more specific, I need a girl who wants to share outdoor activities as part of a strong relationship bond. My definition of outdoor activities: hunting, fishing, camping, backpacking. I don’t expect you to be a hunter (although that would be a bonus), but you’ve got to truly be okay with it because it’s part of my lifestyle. I also enjoy watching football and hockey, taking scenic drives with a picnic lunch, and sitting on the back porch watching a sunset. I appreciate strong coffee, good bourbon, and dark beer. Cooking over flames makes me very happy (and I cook a lot). It’s a must that you can appreciate being pampered a bit, part of which includes having special meals prepared and served for you…often.I like metal and rock music (and a bit of everything), but I listen to a bit of cello or piano when the mood is right. I’m a bit of a neat freak (within reason, of course…I’m not OCD about it). I don’t like artificial light unless it is absolutely necessary. Fall is my favorite time of year, especially breezy, overcast days when the leaves are changing. I’m pretty handy in the shop…woodworking and building things….I do a lot of home improvement projects. I would love to start kayaking or canoeing. Someday I will live in a cabin in the woods, hopefully on a lake – I’m not sure where. I live in New Mexico because my children are here. I am divorced (3 years) and have two awesome children that live with me 50% of the time. I get along well with my ex-wife and we are friends. I have a decent job and a stable life. I am not a crazy party or club type of guy; I prefer a quiet bar, a small gathering of friends, a cook-out, a night at the casino…something fun where people can actually talk. I don’t dance and do not want to be in a situation where I feel guilty about that. I’m sort of a big guy, 6’ 1” and 235 pounds. I usually have a shaved head or short stubble, and some sort of facial hair (goatee, beard, a short/long combination of the two….it changes often, but it’s always there). I need to be with someone smaller than I am. I like “tough” but I also appreciate “girly.” I tend to be a bit on the romantic side, and it’s a must that I’m with someone who appreciates affection and will show it back. If the relationship gets physical, then it will become a very intense – passionate, open-minded, adventurous and caring. But all that happens later. I don’t want rush anything and I am a bit cautious. I’m also goofy and I want to make you laugh. When I find the button to push that makes you throw your head back and laugh until you snort, I will push it frequently. If we figure out things are right, I will be devoted to you deeply and loyally, and I would want the same in return. I realize that a special match is based on two people…not geography or age or race. If the match is right, I’m willing to work for it and pursue happiness wherever it might happen.
Where Adults:
come to play