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mingle if ur single!
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First off, imma do-er (lol not whatcha think it means ladies) i cant resist being active n moving. My hobbies are a series of things from hiking to video games to long mind clearing drives to shootin guns n everything else in between. Trust me theres more, i just wanna keep those who are reading interested lol. I have many ambitions! Keep comin up with new ones all the time. Mainly they all lead up to being mentally, health-ally, wealth-ally, spiritually stable n happy. At least those are my hopefull end results. Im deffinitely on the right track with it tho. I dig almost all genres of music. From gangsta rap to classic rock to country all the way back to Mozart n Beethoven lol sh*thelps me sleep at night, idk why. So basically if u played sumthin weird in the car, id most likely like it. But then again i havent heard everything lol. Ok subject changer, this thing wants me to tell u what makes me unique lol n hopefully u stuck around n read this far. So lemme get to the point n tell u sum shtuff about me. If were talkin bout uniqueness, lemme just say i dont look like how i sound lol. It baffles sum people haha n i love it! (In case u were wonderin) I misspell shtuff on purpose, i am great at spelling, not that it matters. Ill probly read thru this 50 times to spell check "sum" words n punctuation lol. Im also neat. In fact i cant stand when things arent straight or even. OCD maybe? But im not one to judge n i know how sum girls are, messy creatures lol d:) FYI i ware a hat. Im a very very patient man. I dont believe in rushing to get what u want. I think that if u want it bad enough, u should take it slow n steady, to avoid any bad decisions or last second choices. Which leads to the fact that im really careful! I always look both ways before i cross the street, so to speak, sumtimes even twice. Im very thoughtful of what will happen next for me, like literally by the second. I can never be too sure but when i am, i always take the money n run lol. But i aint no thief! Unless its a sweet girls heart of whom i wish to spend good n valuable times with ;) ...I am not perfect tho. I do have my days where i think irrationally n negatively. Like any other person. Thats why im lookin for sum1 nice to balance me out. Sumbody who will accept me for me, not for what i got or dont got or what i do or dont do. I need sum1 to fall back on when days get rough. I need a beautiful n mature girl with a good head on her shoulders to support me thru thick n thin as i would do for her. Imma 1 woman kinda guy lookin for a 1 guy kinda gal lol. Its been about 3 years since i made any connections with any1. In that time ive taken advantage of it to focus more on myself instead of chasing girls. Ive made many major adjustments in how i am now n how i live my life. N right now, life is good :) On a similar note, i am quite the feeler. My emotions are under a lot more control these days lol but they can still be touchy. So if ur the type of girl who takes pleasure in makin men jealous to get a reaction outta them, just stop reading n dont bother messaging me. Ive been played a fool 1 too many times before to not recognize what a snake in the grass looks like. N i usually drop my foot on em before they try to bite, lol just so u know. Haha i get poetic sumtimes idk. But damn, i wish i could put more down but id probly end up tellin u my whole life story lol. I doubt any1 wants to hear that right? But if u felt sumthin of a connection while u were reading or could relate to me in any way or ur just genuinley interested in me, please feel free to shoot me a message. Chances are i might be really interested in u! No hard feelings if ur not intetested tho d:) im easy goin. Plus! Theres Plenty Of Fish in the sea! Lol so imma end this thing with: i got my dogs, my truck, my job, bout to get a house soon, n now all i need is a beautiful, funny, faithful, sweet n loving badass chick to spend sum time with n to 1 day call that chick my girl. I already know my life is gonna be amazing, especially the people in it. All thats missing is that special sum1 d;) where are u?!
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