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They say I'm mistakingly funny
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Successful the PDF way, aight I will try this....1. My hobbies. So what essentially makes me interesting. the part that makes you pause and question if you should keep reading....ahhh, ok. i think i have a start. I am a true adventurer. You will never find my backpack without a book or notebook. Im a writer of the mind. I run. I dance...a lot. professionally and in my natural clumsiness, especially when I'm laughing. I try new things, like rock climbing, kayaking, yoga, sketching, stand-up comedy, acting, singing. I drink. I smoke. I experiment with people, substances, and traveling. My hobbies are different day to day because i enjoy random yet organized, spontaneous chaotic. I am involved in fundraisers and mentoring. Children keep creativity of the curious mind alive, and a smile that you can't describe. I am actually really into photography, as pictures are the visible memory. I am an astrology, buddism, agnostic, spiritual, accepting of all things enthusiast, which all point to my combined hobbie life of what i call living...its quite fun when you are actually fully living and love who and what you are2. ASPIRATIONS...GOALSFully believe in them both. I make lists. I scream. I cry. I laugh. I yell. I am equally shocked for things that happen to me. I believe things happen for a reason. My main want in life: To fully know who I amTo be a professional dancer for the commercial worldStudy neuroscienceWrite a bookClimb a mountain in AsiaRun a MarathonSell PhotographyFind love 3. Smmmaaahhhhh, Unique. I was asked to describe in one word what i think of myself. I would not use unique because I believe along with the weird minded people of this earth, we are all unique, thats a contridicting statement. Its easy. Im not easy. Im quite complicated-but in all the, man I cant get enough of her. Someone who leaves you wanting to always have more but you hold back because you dont want me to see....even though I have already seen through you. Im picky, in the most non-judgemental way. I just love people who arent afraid of who they are. That is the most attractive thing about those who are close to me in life. Not afraid to be emotional. physical. goofy. real. Theres what i make of myself. Real, and I wouldn't change this for anything. 4. Thats all you want...My taste in music. Thats sooooooooo broad! It ranges from mellow instrumental to rapping to Drake. I am a dancer, I honestly have great taste in music (except country...notta) but I make one exception, I love my sister and she loves country. When i miss her, that is the time I bring some Rascal Flats in. A few favorites: Fleetwood Mac, Adele, Beyonce, Washed Out, Ingrid Michaleson, Amy Whinehouse, Kimbra, Macklemore, Beatles, Elton John, U2, and so on. I dont want to list anymore at the moment unless you message me and tell me otherwise.
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