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General Info
Where is my mind
United States
Pembroke pines
Looking For:
I'm going to make this short and sweet because it's five am and my puppy has already managed to destroy several pairs of shoes. I could listen to Modest Mouse or Brand New for the rest of my life and be okay. I think coins are terrible and will gladly vacuum them up or throw them away. I am super sarcastic and annoying. So if you don't feel like you handle me calling you a princess then we probably shouldn't talk. I'm a die hard alcoholic. 91% isopropyl is my fave. I love animals. I have three dogs, two cats, and a snake. I have no artistic talent and failed terribly in pottery and all other art classes. I will twist your nipples without a problem. I love doing things. Going on road trips, camping, going to the beach, all kinds of shit. If I were a beekeeper I wonder of people would still talk to me. Like even if I told them that I brought my needs everywhere with me and they would have to learn to love them. My favorite movies are mainly stuff like shutter Island, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, and spirited away. Carbs are amazing. But I have confined my self to a life of lettuce and sadness. If you catch my drift. I'm a big book reader. I love everything and anything about psychology. If you like long walks in the cemetery and talking about how stupid people are then I'm the girl for you.
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come to play