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General Info
Fun Keeps You Young
United States
Looking For:
I love Southern Califonia living. I love being part of the healthy and fun group. I enjoy being at the beach to surf, play volleyball, and people watch. I love the mountains where I can breathe fresh air while hiking and rafting. I love to laugh. I believe it is necessary for a long enjoyable life. If you cannot laugh at a stupid movie once in a while, you are taking life too seriously. I would like to make a great deal of money. However, I don't let this ambition consume my entire life while I go for it. I work hard, but I also play hard. I love to act like a big kid without losing touch of my adult responsibilities.I believe a date should be fun for both people. I would do something that we both enjoy. So even if the chemistry was not there, afterwards we would both say "Wow! That was cool/fun!" We could do anything from getting dressed up for nice steak dinner and bottle of wine, play our favorite game of tennis, golf, V-Ball, rollerblade and go for a nice lunch in a park or at the beach. I am up for fun, whatever works for you.
Where Adults:
come to play