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Normal, fun, polite, compassionate. You?
United States
Simi valley
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Skeptical about online dating, but giving it shot. I realize that technology is the future so I cannot eliminate the internet from finding my potential life partner. So here goes....I am polite, fun, and enjoy meeting new people. Firm believer in everything happens for a reason. I have a good heart and a great sense of humor. My room is always clean and my bed is always made. I'm not a picky eater, I enjoy all types of food... I can pretty much find something I like on any menu. Casual drinks including beer and wine are always welcome.I definitely believe that life is too short and you need to live each and everyday to the fullest. Do what makes you happy - most important! If something makes you unhappy in your life do what you can to make the change. Change is good.Take chances, exit your comfort zone, don't let any opportunity pass you by.I enjoy going out with friends, all types of music, outdoor activities, good food, things that challenge me... very easygoing, love new experiences. I am open to going away for the weekend, staying in to a home cooked meal and a movie, anything fun with my significant other works for me.
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