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I still remain hopeful...
United States
Teeds Grove
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Hello! I am a midwest country girl living in the beautiful state of Maine. I enjoy a good pair of boots and jeans to heels and skirts anyday but I assure you I can rock heels when I need to. I love the outdoors and enjoy the adventure of each new season. Winter can be long and draining but still find it incredibly beautiful and who doesn't love a nice fire on a cold night. I am a hard working mom of a teenage daughter and honestly she keeps me very busy, but I would like to meet someone to get to know and see where things might go. I am looking for a relationship however I am not in any hurry to rush into one as I want to be sure I find that "right" person. I think sometimes people are in too much of a hurry to find someone and it does not work out. I am to the point in my life where I would like to find someone but I don't need to find anyone.I enjoy sports, but mostly college football! I love being outside and in the summer I absolutely love to cut the grass! I have a push mower as well as a riding lawn mower but prefer to push mow the lawn anyday. It is silly, I know! I am looking forward to hiking this spring and summer and cannot wait to see beautiful new places. I think the fall here is spectacular and it is one of my favorite seasons. I tend to be optimistic and believe that somehow everything happens for a reason, good and bad. I work 2 jobs and so my free time is sometimes limited and I am thinking about going back to school in the fall. I love to challenge myself and I love to learn and explore. I figure if I work really hard now, later in life I will have more time to enjoy the little things. I own my home and my cars and am financially stable. I would prefer to find someone who is also financially stable. I am honest and loyal and try very hard to treat people the way I want to be treated. I am also very generous and giving and a great listener. I love to try new things! I am hopefully optimistic that there are some nice guys on here and maybe just maybe one very special one just for me...
Where Adults:
come to play