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General Info
Si vis pacem, para bellum
United States
Looking For:
I'm a single mother who is tattooed, pierced, sarcastic, loudmouth, funny, at times random, and shy when first meeting people. My life is a fast paced and upbeat marathon. If i'm not at home or out and about with my little one, then i'm up at school in the shop sweating my ass off for my degree. I enjoy the simple things in life because they can hold the most beautiful meanings. The larger things in life are nice as well but usually don't have the same sentimental meaning.As for my hobbies and likes, they vary quite a bit. I enjoy being outside. Mostly around water and doing water sports. I also enjoy staying home and watching T.V., a movie, or just sitting on the back porch at night during the summer and listening to nature. As for during the winter, well i'm not a big fan of the cold.As for what I look for in others, its simple. Honesty, loyalty, HONESTY, upfront no BS, no hiding, and being true to yourself. People are very good at hiding who they really are and I've become a bit of a master at seeing behind the mask. I don't enjoy it nor do I want to do it. I don't have time for games. if there's something you want, say it. If there's something you need, say it. Life is hard enough without adding more to the plate with drama, bs, and baggage. We all come with baggage, it just depends on how you handle it when you bring it to the table. I don't care about your ex-girlfriend nor do I care about your ex-wife. Just like I don't expect anyone to care about my ex-husband. We are all adults, at least I hope, and should know how to handle your own business. If you can not then you honestly shouldn't be on a dating site let alone conversing with strangers in public. Life is too damn beautiful to waste. I'm not looking for anything serious. Nor am I looking for a baby daddy or any of that shit. Maybe just a companion. In all honesty, I do not have the time to give someone 100 percent of me right now. My life is going full speeding ahead and I don't want anyone to think that I can give them my all right now. But life is what you make of it. You can not help the hand you were dealt, but you can choose how to play that hand. Its all up to you.
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