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The Marrying Type
United States
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So, heavy stuff first... When I say I am a Christian, I mean it. I do not engage in pre-marital relations. Please don't take that as a challenge. I don't drink or smoke or swear. I have an adorable 6 year old boy. I was married for 5 years, and I've been divorced since 2010. I have only a few simple requests. Don't lie. Don't cheat. Don't do drugs - yes, MJ is a drug. Don't hit. Everything else falls into place.Now for the good stuff!I am always described by my friends as "The Marrying Type." I am loyal to my friends and family, but above all, I am loyal to myself. I cook, I clean, I give incredible massages, so I'm told. I do my best to be a good mom, and I love kids. I love to read, and write, though I don't have much time for that. While I do not appreciate a lot of crude humor, I do laugh so hard so often that my stomach hurts! I'm Irish, so I burn like white bread if I'm outside too long. I do like spending time outdoors, camping, fishing, amusement parks, etc. But usually in small doses. I was good at being married. But I am terrible at dating, so cut me a break if it's awkward at first.When I had to pick the word that best describes me, I choose Hopeless Romantic. But I like to think I am a HOPEFUL Romantic!
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