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Hello there, I am guessing that the picture made you a little bit curious and want to know more about the guy with the face. So please read along and see if the following makes you want to send me a short message.My likes:I have a strong passion for travel and I have spent all of 2009 traveling around the world visiting close to 20 countries. So far my count of countries I have visited is around 35+.I enjoy the movies, theater and musicals. Love to go for long walks and getting lost in the city.My history:I lived for 11 years in Buenos Aires, Argentina and 15 years in Canada and my first language is Spanish and I speak a bit of Portuguese as well. I believe I have a good handle of the English language ;)A little more about me:I am an open-minded and caring individual. I am pretty independent with a good job. I am still a bit old fashion and I will always hold the door open for a lady.I am warm and I'd like crack jokes (most of them are funny, I want to believe). I have been told that I don't have a filter so don't get offended ;)My family and friends are the most important thing in my life and I like to spend time with both. Too bad most of my family is far now.
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