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A little late to the party.
United States
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Hello and thanks for checking in.At the age of 30 I decided that it was time to take better care of myself, I have kept it up, and planning to keep it that way for the rest of my life. I can truly say that I am more fit and healthier now than I have ever been and proud of it. I am no where near my goal physically but with each day I grow closer to that goal.My hobbies include:- Anime- Reading manga- Fishing- Working out- Drawing/illustrations- Listening to music (mainly power metal but open to other genres except country)- Gaming- Martial arts films- A few other things that I can't remember off the top of my headMy goal in life is to open my own design firm studio with my fellow comrades in arms and expand into an empire that will cover all aspects of every market/industry and conquer the world (in short, a successful entrepreneur).While I loathe being called a nice guy it seems to be the first thing that people notice about me and commented about. According to a statement from my fellow roommate she hinted on the fact that "nice" is a rare commodity(in which I replied "okay..." with my eyes rolled into the back of my head in disbelief). Either way, it seems to make me unique.Unfortunately I have come to a realization that having my own kids will most likely not happen. It's not about fearing the responsibility or anything but rather I understand the responsibility and effort it takes to raise children. I have taken care of enough children in my early years(cousins and younger siblings) that I feel that I have missed out a very large portion of growing up as a young man and thus realize that I am very late to the "party"(hence the headline).If you made it this far, I give you my thanks for taking the time to read this wall o' text(kind of wish they had a "does not apply" to the "What is the longest relationship you have been in?" questionnaire, oh well...).
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