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I deleted my old account to detox and focus on a few other things. Im back to give it another shot. Im going to first get a few things out of the way...There are two questions I get often that drive me a little bonkers...to save time and my sanity Im going to answer them here. (assuming you are reading my profile) ;) 1. "Why are you single?" I am single because Im not desperate to be married. I was married and I have a son...there is no clock ticking. I am open to having more children but if I don't, Im happy with the one God gave me. I moved to Orange County at 32 and I will be honest, dating here is tough. There is an utter breakdown in this part of the single world. It is both the man and woman's fault. Im 50% traditional and 50% modern if you don't understand, I can explain at a later time. I get that some things change but a little bit of the 'some things stay the same', should actually stay the same (like how we date). Also, I've been told I am intimidating, I don't get this. Maybe its my looks, maybe its my height, maybe its the way I carry myself but thats me...don't be scared to say hi. Needless to say, a man comfortable in his own skin is a must. 2. "So, how do you like this site?"I dont. I don't like online dating. Im an energy and chemistry kind of person. Sitting behind a computer is stale.Ok, now About Me...I have a great career, I live within my means and I can take care of myself. I have one son that is 13 years old so far, he is an absolute gem but the teenage years are here. He is growing from little boy to man and things are changing. He ask if Id be ok if he lived with his Dad for a bit. His Dad lives in AZ and they haven't had as much father/son time as we'd all like. I thought about the benefits of this and discussed it with his dad and said yes. Which gives me more time on my hands. I have a good co-parenting relationship with his father. Our only mutual interest is our son. I love my friends and family. I spend my spare time with them either getting together for lunches or dinners, going to Angel games, going to the beach and the movies, etc. I am a huge Baseball and Football fan. I am an Angels fan and I have an AFC and NCF team. Denver and New Orleans. I love watching Football on TV and prefer going to baseball games. Sundays during football season the TV is on a game, I promise. (If I meet a girlfriend for lunch, I find a place with a TV...all my friends know this about me.) :) If I like you, Im all in. Meaning, I don't play games and I have a heart of gold. I am not originally from OC and have not drank the "barbie" kool-aid. Im 100% real and so is my personality. My sense of humor is more on the sarcastic but not hurtful. I love, love and If I care for you I like to be affectionate. I am not judgmental or negative and you can't be either.What Im looking for...If you are confident (not****) and funny you will probably get a second date. I don't have an exact 'type' of man however, I am not attracted to Asians. I like my guy to be height and taller. You have to care about your body, I take care of mine. You don't have to be a gym rat but you must be on the healthier side of life. Its part of my job. I love tattoos but it is definitely not a requirement. What I am not looking for...*Emailing or texting for a week without making plans within that time. I have plenty of friends. Im not here to be a text buddy to feed an ego. Lets rip the band-aid off. :)*Asking me for selfies before we've ever met. Id rather send something to you because I want to, when I want to. *Hooking up. I dont need to sign up for an online dating site and write all this stuff to get laid. There is a bar a block and a half away from my house. I am a pretty female with a decent body...oh, and a vagina, nuff said. (There's my sarcasm! If I cant be mildly inappropriate from time to time, we probably wont work.)
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