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My name is Tyler, I am 22 years old, and I live in Scottsdale, AZ.I'm not looking for sex, I'm not looking for a fling or anything like that. I'm looking for two things; Friends, and potentially someone to be committed to.I've had many people describe me as being like Mark Zuckerberg (creator of Facebook).I'm improving myself and just trying to have fun doing it. I've been going to college off-and-on and am planning on earning a two year degree in computer science and then possibly transfer to a four year university. I self taught myself a large amount of about programming and hope to someday make it a career. I'm trying to set a good foundation right now so in a few years I can have fun without worrying too much about the future.Like many people in the modern world I had a very low interest in books but recently I've started taken a interest in reading. Some of the books I've read are Brave New World, Diary of Anne Frank, How to Make Friends and Influence People, The Blind Watchmaker, The God Delusion, and the entire Resident Evil series. If you have any recommended reading I would like to know!I don't have a deep interest in movies or television but I enjoy watching psychological thrillers, some documentaries, a little bit of drama, and good quality comedies. Anything that gets me to think or question I typically enjoy watching. Some of my favorite movies are Dumb & Dumber, The Dark Knight, Donnie Darko, Memento, and Fight Club.As far as TV shows I like Portlandia, Breaking Bad, Adventure Time, and I loved old seasons of The Simpsons, Seinfeld.The music I like is probably best described as electro-industrial, Synthpop, etc. The bands I think best represent my taste in music are KMFDM, VNV Nation, The Azoic, and IAMX. But I also like alot of Ska-Punk and 90's/early 2000's bands like Blink 182, older Greenday, System of a Down, etc.I'm not an adventurous eater, but I'll try almost anything once. I'm enjoy some non-ordinary foods such as sushi but it's not something I go out my way to eat regularly. My vice is candy. If I could, I'd eat candy non-stop but I try to make sure I don't pollute my diet too much.
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