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Strawberry Fields Forever
United States
Thousand Oaks
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I'm thinking I'll eventually come across the person I am looking for on here...Not sure why I keep thinking that. I've been off and on since 2010 and nada but some wasted time to show for it. This time around probably won't be different but we'll see. I currently work as a home health care provider, but I don't plan on making a career out of this line of work. I do much better in a logistics setting where I track stuff down and see that it gets to where it needs to go. Call me weird, but I enjoy that kind of thing. On my time off, I do the usual-I read (both fiction and non), take drives out in the country, shoot rifles/shotguns, and watch movies and the occasional sports game. I try to stay somewhat in shape by lifting weights and jogging. Shin-splits keep me from running on a regular basis. Ten years and I still haven't been able to shake it, it sucks. I enjoy a good meal so I go to restaurants maybe a few times a month. I haven't been to a bar or club since 07 and don't have the desire to go back to one, especially since I don't drink anymore. I'm also into stuff like retro gaming and sci-fi, but I'm nothing hard-core when it comes to that.
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