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Make this English girl laugh!
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My Mum and Dads secret to a long and happy marriage was "Laugh a lot and don't take yourself too seriously"! ....a great way to live I think! I'm passionate, love to dance, Karaoke is my adrenaline sport (ha!) and am a lot of fun (so I've been told!) but also like the quiet times at home cooking out and drinking good wine, watching a sun set somewhere and just chilling. I'm very easy going and low maintenance and am just as comfortable in a LBD at a posh****ail party as I am in jeans and boots at dive bars playing pool with the boys! I will say this up front as I don't want to waste your time but I chose not to have children of my own so if you have young children not yet in high school I wish you luck in your search but I am not the right match for you. I don't really do anything to the extreme but love to try new things. ...bungy jumping, jumping out of a plane however are NOT on my bucket list. I've been a runner since I was 11 years old and still love to trail run with my dog, I snow shoe and ski but must admit I haven't been skiing for a couple of years as there are just too many people trying to get up there these days!Some of my friends laugh when I say this but I am actually really shy until I get to know someone. I've had to overcome it with the types of jobs I've had so when I first meet someone I can either clam up or I talk too much. This online dating thing scares me but willing to give it a try!My music taste is all over the board. I love everything from old school R&B to Ultravox (if you know who I'm talking about here you've scored some brownie points!), to Country.I'm almost 50 (how did this happen??!!) but I don't feel it, look it or act it so I'm looking for someone similar, or probably younger than me. I can't lie I'm a visual person so looking for someone in good shape and nice looking who can keep up with me! I can't deal with lazy people and need someone who is a little self motivated...but please don't get me up at 5am to go mountain bike on a Saturday morning! Oh and talking of Saturday morning it would be great to find someone who doesn't have to work on weekends....they are sacred to me as I work so hard all week.I have a dog who is my best friend and two fat fluffy cats and they all get along famously - and would have more animals if I had the room so you must like animals too.My goals - well I wanted to retire at 50 but that's not happening! I have a good job and like to work however I would LOVE to be able to have more spare time to just take off somewhere for a long weekend or an impromptu trip to the wine country or the beach.That's about it really - if you like my profile please feel free to reach out.
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