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Hi :)This isn't the first time I've been on this site but I'm hoping this time works out better than the last. Now, I hate this part only because I don't ever know what to say and it feels like an interview and that I'm trying to "sell" myself. What makes me unique.....not sure. I'm a kid at heart and don't take life too seriously, I get enough of that while I'm at work. I love to laugh and just enjoy who I'm with be it family or friends....a date. I'm just me, what you see is what you get. I hate shopping, don't mind getting dirty and if I go out I'm more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt granted I don't mind getting dressed up every now and then. I love being outside when the weather is nice and when it isn't curled up watching a movie is what I enjoy or going out to eat with friends.As far as music goes I pretty much enjoy everything. Just depends on what my mood is at the time. I have to admit though that I was lucky enough to be a teenager during the 80's so I do have a place in my heart for alternative music. The 80's were awesome! When I do have time off I like to clean, go figure lol. I was in the Air Force so I have to have things neat and clean, can't help it. There, that's what makes me unique...I hate shopping, love to clean and don't mind getting dirty! Ok, how to keep from sounding like a total bore...hmmmmm. I enjoy traveling and recently was in London and Birmingham England. Have traveled all over Europe and absolutely love it over there. I enjoy history and learning about other cultures. Sometimes people forget that there is a world outside of their bubble and they need to get out and experience all of it.When it comes to movies comedies are my favorite. Laughter is the best medicine so when my stomach hurts and tears are rolling down my face from laughing it's the best feeling. Would like to have someone to share those times with but doubting if I ever will find that person. I have a hectic schedule as I work nights but my days off are always different. I work one weekend a month (where I am now) and when I'm off during the week I have my daughter with me. In other words, I have to plan things ahead and all I ask is for someone to be patient. Another thing, I'm not here to find a hook up nor am I in the mood to play games or have them played on me. In fact I'm sick of having people play games with me. I'm a big girl, if we meet and you're not interested it's ok...may sting but I might also feel the same. Just don't lead me on or expect to get one thing either. I'm sure there are women on here looking for that one night stand but not me.I am a hopeless romantic. I just want to find that one person who makes me smile when I think about him and smile even bigger when I see him. Someone who wants to be with me, flaws and all. That person who loves to hold hands as much as I do. I don't think I'm asking for too much but sometimes it feels as though I am. I love to kiss and show affection when I'm with someone who treats me right and who I just can't wait to see. If you're still reading and haven't fallen asleep perfect. If I'm what you're looking for then let me know. I know attraction is key and not everyone will find me attractive or what they're looking for and vice versa but I'm willing to give this site one last shot.
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