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Looking to share happiness
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I choose to be happy each day, life is too short to focus on the negative. I look forward to meeting new people and find each to be unique. I'm open to trying new things and have taken many college courses and some just for fun courses. I even took a TIG welding course so I could weld aluminum on robots and my utility trailer. Learning how to salsa with a significant other would be fun. I'm interested in learning more about coaching and speaking, so I'm attending workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), coaching, timeline therapy and New England Speakers Assoc. (NSA) meetings. I'm working on self improvement and getting out of my own way.Relationships are wonderful and I know how to put the effort into them. I was previously married for 24 incredible years but due to unforeseen circumstances we had to divorced and did so as friends and equally share in any concerns for our two children. My son (28) and daughter (26) have both completed college, are employed and live on their own. Success!!I've taught in public schools for 15 years as a Tech/Eng teacher, with courses in Engineering, Architecture, Robotics CAD, Woodworking (furniture) and even a little Physics. I have enjoyed every minute working with and know I've make a difference in their lives. My undergraduate degree is in Civil Engineering and a MS in Technology/Engineering Education. I've previously worked in Construction Management with projects in at a Nuclear Power plant, museum, many hospitals, labs, office building, etc. I've designed my previous house and even did some of the building.I love to travel and have been to a number of National Parks, Germany, Austria, Belgium, South Africa, Mexico and the Caribbean on cruises with many more places yet to experience. Being outdoors or on the water relaxes me and would love to spend more time at each. This was my third year of inter club downhill ski racing. It's so exciting to make those gates!
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