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A Unique Guy for a Unique Woman
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I know this profile is long, but this is important to me.Where is Hamilton? About halfway between Dallas and Austin and an hour-ish west of dead center of Waco. Google it if unsure.So, why do I call myself unique?1) I'm always told I am different from most guys2) I'm honest to a fault -- win or lose3) I have tact4) I admit what I lack5) I consider myself of above-average intelligence and intellect (I mention this because it's becoming rare.)6) I know the difference between then and than, to and too, affect and effect, I use punctuation and capitalization, etc. (Even more rare these days.)What makes you unique? All or most of the above...for starters.This ad may seem like I'm bitter and negative, but it's more frustration with a touch of tongue-in-cheek. Please bear with me.I've spent the last 8 Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Year's alone. No, I haven't been single for 8 years. I just have a knack for finding women who don't give two sh*ts about trying to make things work, taking relationships seriously, being faithful, etc.My mantra, one of many in my relationships, is "pick your battles." Life is too short to argue, snit and b*tch about petty crap. One of my worst faults is being too easygoing. Seriously.99% of the time, I'm keeping people rolling with laughter. You will never, ever meet a more laid back and gentle man than me. I promise you that. That being said, I seem to be a magnet for women who were that way in past relationships and got abused or used. They, in turn, tend to treat me like a door mat and I will no longer put up with it. If you have a penchant for taking bad days, stress and chaotic times out on a person, avoid me like the plague. I'll drop you like a bad habit, continued bachelorhood or not.I have nothing against a woman who is overweight, but there's a limit to what I can find attractive. I neither want nor require a size 0 or a Barbie, but on the same token, I don't want a woman who has to move her belly to wipe, has dimples for knuckles, or seemingly no neck. I have no doubt that those of you who fit those scenarios are wonderful, even amazing people, but I want to be physically attracted to the woman I fall in love with. Overweight is fine, but not obese. Hell, I could stand to lose a good 10-15 pounds myself.We all have what we perceive as flaws. (Mine are listed below, just to prove I'm not a narcissist). I'm fully aware that women develop stretch marks, surgery scars, wrinkles and the like. I'm not looking for a model. Just someone who is good for me, and who I find attractive. Having meat on your bones doesn't rule you out. But, again, there's a limit.What you'll like about me:1) I have zero temper to speak of, except one thing - disrespecting me2) I have no criminal history (or future)3) I don't touch drugs, not even weed4) I rarely drink, so definitely don't have a drinking problem. I DO NOT want a woman who simply has to drink or doesn't know when to stop.5) I don't have a violent bone in my body. (I've also never been hit first, so let's not test that.)6) I don't have sex with just anything with a pulse. My last time was October, and before that was 2011.7) My bills are paid8) I have my own vehicleWhat you might not like about me:1) You'll have to write to me. Women get 100 messages for every one a guy gets. I don't think it's fair to have to try my damnedest to be so unique from the rest to "win" a reply. My profile should be enough for that.2) I smoke cigarettes. I enjoy smoking. I'm pretty darn good at it. I will not quit simply because you want me to or decide that you should quit.3) I'm not well off. As I said, my bills are paid, but there's very, very little left afterwards, most months.4) I drive a pickup so it's somewhat rare for me to have enough gas to travel very far from Hamilton, if at all.5) I have anxiety disorder. It's a chemical imbalance that I was stricken with. It basically makes me more nervous than some. 99% of the time, I'm fine, but not consistently enough to be considered anxiety-free. I'm on social security disability for it.6) My teeth are in pretty bad shape. I'm not proud of this fact, and they're my single greatest shame, but know that their condition is NOT due to drugs or not giving a damn about hygiene. I'll explain it all if/when you write and ask. Please don't let them be what defines me to you, and causes you to immediately go to the next profile.7) I'd prefer a woman who has no children or whose children are all grown. Why? I'm 43 and believe I'm too old to start a family now. I also believe I'd be cheating children out of a good 20 years with me. Aside from that, I just don't see myself as a father figure anymore. As you can guess, I have no children. Having children is by no means a deal-breaker, but if your child or children walk all over you, disrespect you, or can do no wrong, pass me by. I don't deal with disrespect well. No, I don't dislike children, and they tend to adore me. They just deserve more than I'm prepared or able to provide.8) I spend a lot of time thinking about, and in turn talking about sex. Why? (No, it's not just because I'm a guy.) It's because I spend all day every day alone -- by choice. (I live alone). It's because I don't just put my junk in the first place that offers itself. It's because I'm fairly picky and put more weight on sex than most guys. It's because, although I've chosen this, I miss it. I'm here looking for the long haul, but will no longer pretend I'm a robot and goodie-two-shoes either. I'm a very sexual being, but I'm honest about it. Take that in mind when prejudging me.9) If you require the bad boy type, keep moving. That ain't me.The bottom line is this: I am who I say I am, I am how I say I am, and I take these things seriously. I'm not perfect and I'll never claim to be. But I may well be perfect for you, and that's what matters.The main difference between the online me and the offline me is that I'm a lot more shy offline. I hate that about me, but it doesn't change the fact. Because of that, I may be considered too timid to some women. Guilty as charged. But there are far worse flaws to have, don't you think?The picture of me in the hat and black shirt is the most recent. It's from July of 2013. I'm not a huge fan of selfies, so I just don't take many. But I wear glasses most of the time. I just hate pictures of me in them. The one of me on the couch in the blue shirt is the most indicative of the everyday me -- just add glasses. (And maybe untuck the shirt).The more open-minded you are, both overall and sexually, the better we'll get along. I'm by no means vanilla and don't want a woman
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