This is my umteenth time on here. Ha! I keep getting busy and getting off, then getting bored and getting on. I'm not looking for free dinner, just good company. If you have a motorcyle I will seriously by you dinner if you take me for a ride (on your motorcyle, to be clear). I'd love to own one but I don't know how to ride and my friends keep telling me I'll kill myself. I am a pretty terrible driver so they may have a point. There is a clause in this, if you're super young (18-24) then I'd just feel like a creeper and if you're older (39+).... um no. Sorry, just not my thing.I am a full time college student and I work so I get pretty busy. I also have hobbies and friends I keep up with so my time is limited but I'm always game to make time for a cool person.I am a Christian and that's how I roll. Not perfect by any means but I do enjoy my relationship.Guys, you should ask a girl out within three messages. It's really hard to get a feel for someone via the internet so just meet in person, it's hella easy. I really don't want a text buddy, as fun as that is, I already have a ton of friends to text so don't be shy, throw it out there!