Most of my goals in life have been fullfilled but my philosphy now is to live each day to its fullest. Being happy is my motto. Some of my actiivies which are but not inclusive are bridge, walking, playing pool and of course ballroom dancing. Since I dance my taste in music varies from ballroom, country western and upbeat tempos that one can dance salsa, hustle, and the like.What makes me unique? I guess the best way to describe myself is that I am a happy,outgoing, and a caring person. Other than that I would like for us to meet and then you can decide for yourself what kind of person you think I am. Traveling is always excitng and the more adventuresome the better. Last year I went to Mongolia which in a sense was almost an elite camping trip. Riding in the Gobi Dessert in a minivan with no seat belts was quite an experience. There were no roads and mostly gullies from the rains so we were all bouncing around like balls. Some one asked why I went and the answer was because it was there. Asian history has always intrigued me.My famiy is important part of my life. Both of my children live in California one in the North and the other a little furture South. Then there are my six lovely grandchildren four of which are in college. I am very proud of all of them.