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Women don't want a 'good guy'!
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I have seen hundreds of profiles of women looking for that 'good guy', or they read 'are there any good guys left?' Let's be honest ladies. You don't want a good guy. You want that tall, dark, and handsome, bad boy that you think you can change. Here is a clue to every last one of you. You can't change a man. If he wants to change, he will, but not for you. He has to do it for himself. So don't think for one minute that - you - will be that - one - girl who will change him, or make him want to change. I know you are thinking, "But I'm different than all the other girls he has been with." No your not. He has seen tons, just like you, come and go. I know because I used to be a bad boy. I used to not care about people feelings. I used to find it a challenge to see how many different girls I could keep on the line. I changed for me, not a woman. I changed because the attitude and energy it takes to live that kind of lifestyle is exhausting. So keep thinking you can change him. When you are crying to your BFF about how he broke your heart, and how you thought he really loved you, don't blame it on him. You knew what he was going in. So it's your fault, not his. I don't care what he told you or promised. He said all that for one thing...his enjoyment. So blame yourself. Then when you ask your BFF why you can't find a 'good guy' you both can wallow in self pity. A good guy isn't an 8 or 9, he is more in the 4 to 5 neighborhood. You want a man who will be faithful and love you for you? Then stop being so shallow that you wont even give a 4 or 5 the time of day. However if you want to be cheated on, and your heart broken, then keep setting your sights too high. Are there 'good guys' out there that are extremely good looking? Absolutely, but realistically, you have a better chance of having a vending machine fall over on you. Most women complain about men being shallow and hung up on looks, when you yourselves really are. "Oh I wouldn't date him, his belly is too big." "I would give him my number, he has a terrible job." I could go on and on here but I won't. You see, a 'good guy' understands that you aren't perfect, and how you have your bad hair days, and loves you just the same. He also knows how to answer the question, "Does this make me look fat?" or if he doesn't he shake nods so you aren't quite sure if it does or not, since you made up your mind before you even asked. So ladies I recommend this, make a list of the qualities you are looking for in a man. Than go back over it several times, and weed out all the stuff that is judgmental and shallow. Find out what is truly important to you. Then go out and try to find that love of your life. The way I see it you have two choices when it comes to looking for a relationship: #1 Keep doing it the old way, and keep crying to your BFF every 3 months to 2 years. #2 Put in an honest effort to find what is truly important to you for the rest of your years on earth. However this will only work if you are truly honest with yourself. So don't trick yourself with an excuse or you might as well go back to #1.As for me, I look forward to an empty inbox.
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