Well, it appears my profile mysteriously vanished in my absence....so here it is again.Well, there are times it has been long and arduous, but I can honestly say every second of every day was worth it. I am a 52 year young man who is looking forward to the world of romance once more. I have been through hell and back like many here, but the journey to this point has served to provide me with a true self respect. I am not a serial dater, not even remotely close. I seek one and only one and have yet to stumble across her in my time here. My journey has gone from happily married some 8 years ago, to the traumatic realization that my love was betrayed and misplaced, to the life of a single Dad raising two young boys. I basically put myself on the shelf for quite a few years in order to be the attentive Dad my sons required, and quite frankly deserved. My complete focus absolutely needed to be on them. There was a time where my world could only consist of myself and my two boys, we needed to find our collective bearings, and we did...quite well actually. I consider it all water under the bridge at this point, and we have all emerged as better people and stronger as a result. The added benefit is we have also become as close knit as humanly possible in the aftermath.I now have the luxury to devote time to an actual personal life, the boys are older and testing their wings which translates to me possessing an over abundance of time. Sort of a partial empty nest syndrome. My boys still live with me, but being two teenagers I don't have to tell you how often they are actually here....which is next to never on the weekends. They generally will visit their Mom on the weekend anyway, which I think is fabulous because boys need a Mother in their life. Yes, we are cordial with one another....as we should be. I am now, and always have been, a hopeless romantic. So I don't need to tell you how hard it has been to take myself out of that realm for such a long period of time. If you are one yourself you will understand whereof I speak. For me it is the equivalent of a flower not having the Sun. Well, all I can state is....it's time. I seek a Lady who is sure of herself, wants the same deep all encompassing relationship that I do, and who takes pride in her appearance. Not looking for a diva or centerfold by any means, I am searching for a Lady who wishes to be treated as an equal across every spectrum. She will become my best friend, she will become my confidant, she will be my companion, and (God willing) she will be the greatest love of my lifetime. I will only ask of her that which I am willing to give........which is everything I am. No airs, no false pretenses, she need only be herself, just as I will be. May your search be fulfilling, and may you dreams be realized. Have a wonderful day.