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8 Photos By Hope35
I'm a southern girl born (TN) and raised (TX). I was transplanted here to this ice box about 12 years ago. How/why is a long story and maybe someday I'll tell ya. Until then I'll answer the general questions that I usually get after people hear I'm from down south. Yes I know it's cold here and no I don't like it. No, I don't really have an accent anymore and yes, I love country music, sweet tea, guys who drive big trucks, wear cowboy boots and have manners. That's like a needle in a haystack up here. Hell that's like a needle in a haystack everywhere. So a little more about me. I recently relocated to Alexandria from the cities. I also have a 15 year old son who is my life, my soul, my heart, my partner in crime, my everything. He owns it all and knows it. Being the mother of a teenage boy is a full time job in itself but surprisingly I'm surviving...or he is surviving...it's debatable. All I know is it's definitely an experience. I come from a large extended/split family and they along with my friends mean the world to me. I cherish every moment I have with each of them and take advantage of making memories with them every chance I get. I found out the tough way that life is VERY short so I try not to take it for granted. As for hobbies and what I do for fun. I work ALOT and I enjoy what I do. I also LOVE football I was a Packer/Cowboy fan before I moved here to MN and ironically ended up in Viking country and I love the rivalry! (However, don't dish it if you're one of those whiny Vikings fans that can't take it in return.) So during football season my Sunday's are dedicated to the NFL if I'm not working. Other days I love the outdoors as long as it's not cold. Camping, four wheelers, fishing, ice cold Bud Light and bonfires, photography, watching my son play baseball or cringing as I watch him determined to learn some new skate board trick no matter how many bruises it may cost him. I also love country music and movies, fast cars and slow kisses. There really isn't much I don't/can't find someway to enjoy, well other than laundry (whites specifically).Now what am I looking for? Simply put I'm looking for Mr. Right. Someone who....... likes to be a clown and make me laugh, has a kind heart, enjoys the simple life, can handle my weird work schedule (I work overnights) can operate a grill, has a license and preferably a car/truck that isn't borrowed or stolen, doesn't have any pending court cases, doesn't have any psycho ex girlfriends they are keeping on standby or psycho baby mamas who still control them through their children, isn't psycho or crazy himself, has a job, doesn't do drugs, doesn't moonlight as a frat boy, has a sense of humor, has some communication ability and intelligence, is passionate about something in his life, isn't jealous or needy....Ok so this list apparent;y is not so simple..lol. I guess I'm willing to negotiate the operating a grill.So I heard this guy im looking for might be here, actually guaranteed for the right price. But before I go spending money to find him and having to kiss any more frogs during the search, I'm gonna give it a couple weeks and see if he has the initiative and smarts to find me somewhere other than here. It's not that hard really. And when/if he does find me or I find him we are going to have a long talk about his tardiness...or maybe it's me who is tardy ;)Can't wait to hear from y'all~Hope~
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