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Ok, so I've been on here a few times, and have actually gone on dates and met some great guys. However, those guys just weren't the one for me. So, here I am again...I am 27 years old and I have a wonderful 5 year old son. He is with me full time since his dad lives in another state. Even though they live far apart, my son does have a father and they skype and visit with eachother whenever they can. There is absolutely no drama between us, so no worries there. I am a Christian and I am not ashamed to say that I love Jesus Christ and I strive to be more like him every day. I frequent the Cup O Joy music venue in Green Bay as often as I can. I also attend Lifest every year and often volunteer there as well. Huge bonus points for you if you would go with me. It's an amazing experience with concerts and seminars all day long for four days. I love every minute of it. Some of my favorite artists include Skillet, Toby Mac, Third Day, Audio Adrenaline, Matthew West, Jamie Grace, and Mandissa. I also listen to Country music and love Carrie Underwood, Gary Allen, and Lady Antebellum.I am a full time student getting my associates degree in nursing. I've been in the medical field now for three years and I love it. I work part time at a dermatology clinic where I get to assist in surgeries. My job is truly helping people and I am thrilled to be a part of it. I think that I am a rare find because I am not your typical girl. I love watching the Packers win or lose either live at Lambeau or at home. I want my guy to have guys night and not want to be with me every single spare second of the day. I communicate openly before anything has a chance to be a problem. I like to think that I am very open to change and I am honest to a fault. I can appreciate a nice car (almost ran a red light from staring at an El Camino in mint condition) and have always wanted to ride a motorcycle. I love baseball and am a die hard St. Louis Cardinals fan (BOO Brewers!). I love to cook and don't mind cleaning and I can get lost in a good book for days. Don't be afraid to send me a message, but please send me more than just "Sup beautiful." I have put some effort into telling you about me, so I ask the same of you.
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