I loveBad horror moviesVideo gamesSPORTSSpeaking FrenchNetflixClassical MusicNights inNights outHot teaCoffeeMy petsPaintballingThe mountainsThe starsLifeTattoosPiercingsI'm really good at..Making smoke ringsFinding the perfect giftMaking people laughCrafting****ailsSnugglingMaking my niece's face light upVideo gamesBooks-Alice in WonderlandWho Asked AliceThe Earth AbidesBrave New WorldAny type of dystopian or zombie fictionThe Great GatsbyFarewell to ArmsTitheMovies-The Big LebowskiThe Princess BrideAlice in WonderlandTheatre BizarroThe ConjuringAnchormanAny other quotable moviesShows-Being HumanFamily GuyIn The FleshWalking DeadAmerican Horror StoryAdventure TimeAny Anthony Bourdain or travel channelAnything on Discovery IDMusicI have far too much of an eclectic taste, but here are a few.ErinThe Royal TinfoilMumford and SonsLady SovereignEminemOutkastSnoop DoggO.C.M.SNoah and the WhaleMare of SteelMarilyn MansonMarilyn MonroeFrank SinatraFred AstaireBing CrosbyLudacrisBeethovenMotzart