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aries Could it be U ?
In my latter years, lol .Looking for someone with common interests to become best friends and share life with. Have strong ambitio…
pisces Let go off the past and be happy..
I am a caring, understanding, sincere, loving man, who respect each human with respect, i like the idea of loving to be loved, i l…
aries geeze! again im back
My hobbies well let's see riding, excerising, reading,people watching tv , taking rides to no where .My goal is to move to Flo…
virgo One Time for Show Time
Love to enjoy every day. Love to be on the water but never get enough. I love to chill, flip flops, shorts and t's but clean u…
taurus Lovin Life & Want to Share.
Looking for someone that really enjoys life, Not a couch potato . Likes to get out and enjoy the freedom of riding on a motorcycle…
cancer Looking for the right one partner.
Busy traveller, enjoys my professional work and career, easy going, tries to keep fit, young at heart, enjoys life, what more can …
cancer Look no further, I'm the one!
I like adventures, riding a bike or walking in the park. Watching sunsets or sunrises. Driving nowhere or some place new. Travelin…
virgo Looking for my mate!
I'm kind of new to Florida. I love outdoor activities if it's warm. I like baseball, football, basketball, golf as past ti…
gemini You get the best of my efforts.
I have a few choice hobbies one being computers. At age 57 goals are essential because it shows you have character. However make n…
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