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leo Be 100
Hello well if you want to know hit me up and ask silly.
cancer Looking for a fool she's not the one!
Love yourself enough to live a healthy lifestyle!!!
gemini Treasure Seeking Treasure
Opening the door to see if love makes it's way in. Looking for a low key person to share my low key life with. Someone kind, g…
pisces Trying to find someone to trust again
Hiya! My name is Lauren. I am 19, about to turn 20 in 14 days. I work with autistic children and military men who have ptsd and we…
leo Kind sweet country boys apply here
I am a single mom and independent looking for that one true love of my life. I love to read and watch movies. Always up for anythi…
aries Loving living life.
I really enjoy my life right now. School, work and living.
cancer Trying once again... Are you out there?
Simple women seeking simple man!
capricorn Date and then see where it goes frm ther
I love to cook, I'm starting school in march for EMT n then further my studies to a degree in paramedic.love dance hall and so…
aries Honestly real!
I am looking for friends first. Jumping into a relationship is like jump of a bridge with nothing attached. I eventually want some…
aquarius ....
you'll know when you know me
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