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aries Funny Valentine
Just when the caterpillar thought the world had ended it turned into a beautiful butterfly. I am the butterfly.If met some great g…
aries This is me!
My name is Misty I am a college student and I am currently working towards a career in nursing. In my free time I enjoy spending t…
cancer talk to me i dont bite(;
hi im gigi and im a very cute girl with a nice body im looking for my prince who can love me forever hmu cuties.
pisces fun and funny
I love to laugh. I have been told that I have an absolutely awesome sense of humor!!!
pisces very independent with lonely days
Im a independent girl with a lovely life. Im very adventures until a certain extinct. I like outdoors but hate to get dirty and bu…
cancer Hiiiii
Hey, my name is Nicholle. I'm generally a modest person. I can have a conversation about anything. I like to go out and meet n…
taurus Aloha!
Without spoiling all topics for a first date, I can tell you a little about myself. I'm originally a west coast/island girl, b…
virgo capture my heart
I'm a single mother-- I raise my child full time. I'm also work full- time as residential caregiver. I work with adults wi…
cancer valentine's day date?
I Love the outdoors and all the activities it brings and would love to travel the world when i get older. Love the EDM scene and h…
aquarius hi
well I'm never good at filling these out but my names madison and I'm going to school in san francisco to become a makeup …
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